Thursday, July 28, 2011

You Are What You Think

I actually wrote the following in response to a post on a Leadership blog I recently started following.  I believe it is relevant to the message in my blog as well so I will re-post here.

I have always loved this quote:

“WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS for they become your words
WATCH YOUR WORDS for they become your actions
WATCH YOUR ACTIONS for they become your habits
WATCH YOUR HABITS for they become your character
WATCH YOUR CHARACTER for it becomes your destiny”

The genesis of reality IS thought. And the true power of thought IS choice.

In every decision we make, in every response to every situation, in every manner we interact with others, we have the power and free will to choose our thoughts, our words, and our actions. Negativity drains the energy and light out of everything in its path. Positivity serves to infuse ourselves and those we touch with vibrant, creative energies, optimism and hope. You never forget the bright, sunshiny, positive people who touch your world.

I choose to nurture a positive, healthy reality borne of positive, healthy thinking. I choose optimism and enlightenment.

The beauty of optimism is that it is an equal opportunity choice; we all have the power to empower ourselves.

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